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2024 Bannister Press Anthology Other Cover Copy_edited.png

In A Quiet Smile

Many of us feel that we are other; that we are on the outside looking in, wanting desperately to be over there while tethered to the here.


Twenty-five acclaimed and award-winning international writers offer up their unique cultural perspectives in short stories of fantasy and speculative fiction, emphasizing the universal truth that we are all on the outside. And perhaps this truth will bring us all together…


Dawn of the Lighthouses

"We're so used to abundance that when it's gone, we must make great leaps of faith or folly."


Feeding You What's Left

Ninth Letter, PraiseWinter 2024

A recent widow is not alone and her grief is a meal she's not ready to abandon.


We Go!

Race one final time on a futuristic race course.


The Great Gregor and Lady Lazarus's Final Show

Lady Lazarus has a secret and it will be The Great Gregor's undoing. Man's best friend may be all the magic a magician's assistant has ever needed.

When You Sang Back to Us

Syntax and Salt, October 2019

"We wondered if it was Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring, Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos, or perhaps Louis Armstrong’s Melancholy Blues that encouraged you to sing back to us. What did you think of our music? How did our melodies translate to you? It had been so long since we sent that Golden Record on Voyager in 1977, few remembered we had been the ones to serenade you first."


Inks, Jinks

Common Deer Press, Short Tails, December 2018

Sometimes it is the house that is haunted by the legends and the people. In the summer before middle school, Kate, Brody, and Calvin have one last chance to overcome their fears and step inside the local haunted house. Kate is hoping for bragging rights, Brody is hoping to find some treasure, and Calvin hopes they all survive. But when they enter, they find they free more than their expectations. 


If You Require Assistance

A woman rebel with nothing to lose. An off world colony seeking to maintain class distinctions. A chance to smuggle generations off our dying planet. And one humanely helpful service app.


A Woman of One's Own

Flame Tree Press, Robots & Artificial IntelligenceSeptember 2018

A woman, the last non-synthetic clone, struggles to convince her replacement to help her escape before her daughter is born and she is put to death.


This is the Thing

Kaleidotrope, Summer 2016

"The issue begins with 'This Is the Thing' by Chloie Piveral. Nice, effective tale with a good sense of unease."  -SFRevu


"A hissing respirator, a body trapped in an institution, and a mind looking for a way out… Piveral goes deep into the dreamlike, slip-sliding world of someone who isn’t all there and isn’t all gone either, and spins a chilling and suspenseful tale full." -Maria Haskins: 10 must-read fantasy & science fiction stories


  • “Fifty Miles ‘Til Gone,” Kazka Press: 713 Flash, March 2014
  • “Six of One,” Well Versed, July 2009
  • "One Song, One Drink,” Well Versed, April 2007


  • “The Road Out of Town,” Editor’s Pick, Well Versed, May 2008
  • "Purpose,” Mid America Poetry Review, Spring 2007
  • “We Curse the Grasshoppers,” Mid America Poetry Review, 2007
  • “My Words,” Well Versed, April 2007


  • “Lilies of the Field,” 2nd Place, HarpStrings Poetry Journal Mary Oliver White Pine Poetry Contest, November 2007


  • “Odd Jobs,” Feature Writer, Columbia Business Times, 2006-2008

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